No rule of the thumb dictates the set number of words, pages, or paragraphs. Nevertheless, an essay must contain a minimum of three paragraphs. All of essays and research papers you get from us are meant for study purposes and should be used with proper citation. You can use our products to compare with what you have done. That’s usually enough time to provide background information, incorporate one central point, and conclude the piece with a final sentence. In this day and age, everything is relative, and one man’s short might be another man’s long—so let’s put this to rest once and for all.

how many pages should an essay be

There is never a rule on the number of sentences per paragraph as long as you balance the length of your paragraphs. You might be used to turning in your writing assignments on a page-limit basis (for example, a 10-page paper). While some colleges provide page limits for their college essays, most use a word limit instead. This makes sure there’s a standard length for all the essays that a college receives, regardless of formatting or font.

Typing vs writing by hand

If the student writes a shorter essay than expected, the tutor may decide that he/she doesn’t put enough effort into submitting the task. Indeed, if the word count exceeds a lot, the student might have used wordy constructions or added useless information to the essay without proper analysis. You should focus on the argumentation provided in each paragraph and the basic structure of the paper.

  1. At this stage, the quantity of pages increases, and the typical essay starts from 1500 words, which is approximately five pages.
  2. No, the word count or the number of pages of your essay does not signal its complexity.
  3. They’re usually 5-10 pages long, but can be shorter or longer depending on the assignment.
  4. This includes taking the time to come up with a good topic, creating an outline, and doing the actual writing.
  5. Need to ask a teacher or friend for help with your essay?
  6. If you are wondering how long each part of an essay should be, here are some ideas of how to balance the length.
  7. Essays being the most popular type of academic assignment, students struggle to achieve the right quality within the given length.

If you are permitted to write a 250-word response, this indicates that the school is interested in learning more about your personality. Don’t forget to make your writing interesting and compelling for that overloaded college admission board officer who’s already read hundreds of these responses. For big essay tests, where there is only 1 question for a whole hour-long test, you will be expected to compose an entire essay. In that case, write 5 paragraphs including all the parts of a composition of between 1-2 written pages. Many times an instructor will tell you how long an essay or a research paper should be or give you a page number range, such as saying the paper should be between 5-7 pages. If you don’t have a page range, the length of your essay can depend on a lot of things.

How Many Paragraphs Are in an Essay in General?

Ideally, the body paragraphs make your case by presenting your arguments, examples, evidence, and developing your ideas. Now, professors being rigorous and unforgiving, will mark the essays until the prescribed length and discard the rest. If the essay has fewer words than required, they might as well dismiss it and award a zero grade. Based on this, we put to rest the question through our comprehensive guide that has the word, paragraph, and page count tables. Whether single or double-spaced, learn how long to write an essay on a given topic if the word count is not given, but you have the page number. The truth is there is no definitive answer to this question.

how many pages should an essay be

The lower the word count limit, the more closely you should stick to it, unless you’re absolutely sure you can answer the prompt completely and successfully in fewer words. Using paragraph breaks is definitely a good thing since it makes your text easier to read and follow. If you’re writing an argumentative essay, you want to make sure that each paragraph contains one main argument, and that you start a new one when you’re moving on to the next. With that said, frequent paragraph breaks is bound to bring your page count beyond the 4-page mark, so make sure to account for that. Longer texts normally stay within the range of 10 to 14 points, according to most typography conventions, with 12 being the standard for most essays and manuscripts. This is a comfortable reading size for the general reader, with no squinting or excessive paper wastage necessary.

How long is an Essay? A Guide to Appropriate Essay Length

Also, maintain a certain balance between the paragraphs. Do not forget that the introduction and conclusion are shorter than the main part of the text. In the case of typical how to introduce a quote college essays, three pages are often enough to discuss the topic. Thus, you need approximately one page for the introduction and conclusion and two pages for the main body.

  1. Although essays can vary in length and complexity, they all have some basic components.
  2. First line indents are typically about half an inch, which is also the pre-setting of the tab-key on most writing software.
  3. The number can either go high or low depending on how you present your ideas.
  4. Graduate school application essays are longer compared to college or university-level application essays.
  5. Now, professors being rigorous and unforgiving, will mark the essays until the prescribed length and discard the rest.
  6. Why do writers seem to obsess over word count and page count?

You might not be able to find length guidelines in the prompt, but you could still hunt them up elsewhere on the website. Try checking FAQs or googling your chosen school name the lonely good company of books with “admissions essay word limit.” Why is everything word count these days instead of page count? When I was in school when I was younger, all assignments were page count.

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Beginner worksheet, with activities and answer keys designed to check a basic understanding of this reader’s chapters. It’s quite unlikely for a longer piece of writing to be written in anything but regular font. Still, we don’t know everyone’s circumstances, and we’re trying to give a thorough account here, so bear with us. A 500-word essay could have 3 substantial paragraphs, but most will have around 4-6 paragraphs. In most cases, a 500-word paragraph is too long, but paragraph size differs based on essay type and required length. You can also read your paragraphs aloud to yourself or to a friend or family member.

I agree that there are a lot of people who are overly concerned with word count, but there are legitimate reasons to keep it in mind as well. If it’s not something important to you and your writing, you can ignore it. If you are given a writing assignment with a page number, the best thing to do is go directly to the person who made the assignment and ask for a word count.


The recommended word count for a high school essay is 300 to 1000 words. It may vary, but you’ll often need to write a 5-paragraph essay that contains an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Essays being the most popular type of academic assignment, students struggle to achieve the right quality within the given length. Without knowing the length of a given type of essay or determining what number of words to write an essay, students can either overwrite or underwrite. This is followed by the body, which consists of three body paragraphs, each of which provides support for your thesis how long is a 1000 word paper and each of which contains a unique topic sentence. During an essay test, usually one or two paragraphs will answer short essay questions. However, this is only a general guideline, and the actual number of pages will depend on the assignment. For example, a five-paragraph essay is usually shorter than a term paper. Are you writing for a general audience or for a specific group of readers?

000 words in books

You do realize that 1000 words aren’t that many words right?! I would seriously reevaluate why people feel impressed over that many words even if you are a young writer. It is pretty petty of your teacher to do that but it’s also an important lesson in learning to read and follow directions as stated. Most of my professors require that we submit things online. This makes it really easy because the computer counts the number of words for them. Of course there are many factors which will make pages longer or shorter than the estimates provided here. These aren’t absolutes, but general rules of thumb to give you a guestimate.

how many pages should an essay be

The topic of the essay also affects the number of pages. Need to ask a teacher or friend for help with your essay? See our do’s and how to introduce a quote in an essay examples dont’s to getting college essay advice. If there really is no word limit, you can call the school to try to get some guidance.

How Long Does 1000 Words Take To Read?

A two-page essay can be between 400 and 1,600 words, and a three-page essay can be between 600 and 2,400 words. Many people wonder how short an essay can be when they get one for class. The answer to this question is that there’s not always a definitive answer. The specified length of your essay gives you what is an argumentative writing a sense of how much information and complexity you can fit into the given space. This will determine how you outline your ideas and structure your argument. The graduate-level essay is very similar to the undergraduate. The same, everything depends on the requirements of the university and the course.

  1. You may need an hour to complete a 500-word short essay due to proofreading, time spent formatting the essay, and the duration needed for citation.
  2. With that said, frequent paragraph breaks is bound to bring your page count beyond the 4-page mark, so make sure to account for that.
  3. For example, if you’re writing an essay for a class, or college essay, your teacher or professor will likely specify a certain word count or page count.
  4. If you’re a writer, shouldn’t writing well be the most important thing?
  5. Graduate school essays are usually more detailed and comprehensive, which means they tend to be longer.

One-sentence paragraphs are suitable for blog posts, but most essay types require more substantial paragraphs in order to fully explore the main ideas. Importantly, paragraph length and the number of paragraphs in a given essay depends on what type of essay you’re writing.